教学大纲 School Catalog

基本原则和教学目标 – “先快后慢”和“500+3”

基于学生年龄, 语言学习的规律以及美国学校课业负担随年级上升而由轻到重的特点,我校中文教学内容和进度安排采用先紧后松,先快后慢的模式。 低年级集中学识字,学写字; 中年级在巩固认字写字的基础上,伴以阅读来扩大词汇量和提高对中文的理解;并开始学习基本写作; 高年级加强写作, 阅读理解, 提高中文的实际应用能力。我校的中文教学还要为学生通过AP和SAT中文考试打下基础。


Teaching Principle and Educational Goal

SCCS Chinese language class focuses on basic communication skills including listening, speaking, reading and writing. The classes focus on teaching functional usage of Chinese to students who learn Chinese as a second language. Students of all levels must demonstrate ability to use Chinese language in functional application. SCCS also prepares students to achieve high marks on Chinese AP and SAT exam.

SCCS uses the "500 + 3" plan as the base for Chinese curriculum design. In the nine-year study period, students are required to recognize, read, write, and use 500 Chinese characters. Students are also required to write at least one essay in Chinese, participate at minimum once in Chinese Speech Contest, and read at least one article in Chinese.

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